This is a story about me.
All the events in the universe are based on these items: Time, Energy, Earth, Humanity, Emotion, Ideology, Death, and Dream.
Saturday: There was nothing; then, time started to run.
Sunday: Energy brought everything to the universe.
Monday: Earth made a room for life.
Tuesday: Humanity began for freedom.
Wednesday: The emotions instituted separation.
Thursday: Ideology destroyed its creator.
Friday: Death ended everything.
And the artists designed the dream for universal harmony.
When we die or when we are dreaming, we can imagine the universe differently. It seems that the world’s underlying structure can escape our eyes when we are awake, but the wall between reality and ourselves changes to glass, allowing us to see all sides of the truth at the same time when we dream. Double Sided Glass is my perspective on the universe, designed to see these elements, which are supposed to make the universe peaceful, differently. This project is a collection of surreal images that attempt to tell a story about the universe. The pictures portray a different reality, provoking deeper thoughts and enabling a different way of seeing the world. They use the language of dreams to tell this story. Each photograph has two or more sides, which shows that there is always another way to challenge reality. There are eight elements: time, energy, earth, humanity, emotion, ideology, death and dreams. Each element has two photographs that depict my mind’s perception of this reality
I have been greatly inspired by the story of Albert Einstein asking his students, “what is the fastest thing in the world?”, They responded that the answer should be light. He then asked them to close their eyes and imagine that they were on the moon. Upon opening their eyes, he stated that “your mind was faster than light.” Einstein said that “imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” Using photography as I do in this series, allows me to imagine a world and create it photographically.

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